FürDem is a political tool that allows users to write about topics that are important them. The aim is for real, result-oriented and meaningful pollical exchanges outside of elections.
fürDem is the abbreviation of für Demokratie which means pro democracy in German. We think that there is too little exchange between political representatives and people. Polls by institutes – which every now and then prove to be wrong in predicting what comes next – are being used to portray the opinions but outside of elections there are only limited actual possibilities to initiate major political debates, express opinions, and influence political decision making. Many citizen also can‘t vote, only in the city of Heilbronnin Germany 29,700 adults are not eligible to vote – plus 4000 more who will turn 18 and not have the right to vote by the next election. 17,900 Children and youth cannot vote and before they’re 18 years old they will most certainly not be heard. [numbers of December 31st of 2018, Source: Stabsstelle Stadtentwicklung und Zukunftsfragen Heilbronn.
There are ways to engage in politics but places in which such engagements are possible, are designed in a way that one can only react to what’s being decided upon in advanced and by those who have made their ways to be politicians in such undemocratic milieus like Heilbronn. Besides these “ways” are sometimes hard to find, complicated and often time consuming. fürDem has the aim to strengthen the democracy by enabling political exchange, by discussing those topics that are relevant to you and it gives an insights into opinions. The aim of this app is real, result-oriented and meaningful political exchange is/ and should not be limited to (mainly quadrennial) elections only. We want to see the world with your perspectives and have your opinions, your thoughts on local (and global) political topics. We want your input to be the guidance of our political actions. On the other hand we want to keep you updated on our political activities and involve you in the processes of political decision making.